The Creative Coaching Fund
In honor of performer, choreographer, and educator Peter Schmitz, A.P.E. has created the
Creative Coaching Fund. Throughout his career, Peter offered his keen eye and incisive intellect
to countless colleagues and fellow artists during their creative processes. Resources from the
Creative Coaching Fund will be used to carry on Peter’s work by creating opportunities and
offering support for artists to contribute their insight, knowledge, and expertise to their fellow
artists’ work. Details for the accessing of these funds are in development and will be shared with
the public in the Fall of 2022. For further inquiry contact Kathy Couch.
Donations to the Creative Coaching Fund can be made HERE.
More about Peter: Celebrating Peter Schmitz
Creative Coaching Fund. Throughout his career, Peter offered his keen eye and incisive intellect
to countless colleagues and fellow artists during their creative processes. Resources from the
Creative Coaching Fund will be used to carry on Peter’s work by creating opportunities and
offering support for artists to contribute their insight, knowledge, and expertise to their fellow
artists’ work. Details for the accessing of these funds are in development and will be shared with
the public in the Fall of 2022. For further inquiry contact Kathy Couch.
Donations to the Creative Coaching Fund can be made HERE.
More about Peter: Celebrating Peter Schmitz
The Creative Coaching Fund is funded solely through the generous donations of the following individuals and organizations:
The Anchor House for Artists, Mary Beth Brooker, Penny Campbell, Sarah Dawson, Lisa deLima, Roz Driscoll, Cheryl Faraone, Roy Faudree + Sheena See, Judith Fine + Charlie Miller, John and Priscilla Hellweg, Historic Northampton, Jo Kent Katz, Jenny Ladd, Susan Lauther, Monica Jakuc Leverett, Peter Lobdell, Corrina Luyken, Tanyss Martula, Caryn McHose, Julia Mench, Lisa Rothe, William and Diane Schmitz, Chuck Stern + Patty Arbour, Karinne Keithley Syers, Susan Waltner, and Wendy Woodson.
The Anchor House for Artists, Mary Beth Brooker, Penny Campbell, Sarah Dawson, Lisa deLima, Roz Driscoll, Cheryl Faraone, Roy Faudree + Sheena See, Judith Fine + Charlie Miller, John and Priscilla Hellweg, Historic Northampton, Jo Kent Katz, Jenny Ladd, Susan Lauther, Monica Jakuc Leverett, Peter Lobdell, Corrina Luyken, Tanyss Martula, Caryn McHose, Julia Mench, Lisa Rothe, William and Diane Schmitz, Chuck Stern + Patty Arbour, Karinne Keithley Syers, Susan Waltner, and Wendy Woodson.