Gordon Thorne
Founding Director of A.P.E.
April 29, 1941 - June 27, 2018
Random Works by Gordon Thorne at A.P.E. January 2019, images by Stephen Petegorsky
"Being responsible for creating the future it is important that we keep alive our capacity to imagine what that might be lest we continue to recreate the present.
Reality is created by imagination moving with/in time, which moves clockwise. Because the Random Windmill Mobile Unit can move in a counter clockwise direction it has the capacity to unwind time and like Merlin, who lived backwards, “Transform something real into something imagined.”
If we accept these premises, which as an artist I am somewhat obligated to do, it is easier to imagine a future in which we might actually want to live."
Vision of Thornes from Scotty Hardwig on Vimeo. |
Gordon Thorne talks about the concept of a "Community Arts Trust." LISTEN
Gordon Thorne Projects